a blog for people who run / walk / jump / leap / hurdle / sprint / smash / stretch / dance / climb / do the downward dog / chase / fight / elliptical / spin / kick / bounce / skip / dangle / lift / sweat / pull / row / smack / dig / swim / balance / fly / somersault / hit objects / hit people / skate / push / serve / volley / throw / tackle / etc

Monday, September 17, 2007


What’s this blog all about?

Let's start with the fact that I'm a human being (though I often, jokingly, feel I'm not of this earth). Being human is nothing I can take credit for. It just happened to me. Maybe if I had a choice, I'd be something different; a dolphin maybe, or a wolf. But here I am alive and well as homo sapien. It is a supreme blessing to feel the coursing pulse of life, and a cruel trick to live knowing it will end. To be human is to feel both the profound joy and sadness of life. We all give up the things we love. Our bottles. Our pacifiers. Our blankies. Our toys. Our lovers. Our family. And eventually our lives. And it sucks every time. So in between life and death is living - daily efforts at clarity, purpose, meaning, progress, contentment, pleasure and happiness. And there are no answers. So we head out into the hodgepodge of humanity with our bodies, brains and souls to do business with life. We're all out there just trying to make some meaning.

Some find answers from religion, some in their jobs, some in therapy, some from science, philosophy, history and lots of other things. But for me, though, being physically active, doing athletic things, pushing my body physically, helps me better understand, if only for moments at a time, what it means to be human.

Literally speaking, when I run, bike, swim, climb, lift, jump, hit, kick, push, pull, balance, leap, etc., I learn about life because I feel more alive, more in tune, more fit with my environment. I learn about endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, sensitivity, healing, breakdown, agility, balance and precision. These things come in through the body, but they linger in the mind long after the workout is done.

Which brings me to the point of this project and this blog. I want to know what being athletic helps people understand about being human. I'm making the assumption that being an athlete or doing athletic things is a microcosm of being human.

So, on this blog I want people to do five things:

1. Share your run or workout for the day
2. Share what aspect of fitness it addressed such as speed, endurance, strength, agility, etc.
3. Share how you felt and what you thought about when doing it
4. Share any observations you might have had about what it means to you beyond just the exercise
5. Please respond to each other

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